This is her story

This is the story of Kairi Yen Nguyen. Kairi was born with severe/total hearing impairment. I am keeping this web log for her so that she and others can share in the journey that her life will have to take with this condition.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kairi's First Pair of Glasses

Well we got her glasses. What does Kairi think about these glasses? She can't stand them for even a second. We are just lucky to have her wear them for a max of 10-15 minutes. Hopefully she doesn't fight too much when she gets her implants. We would have to fight with her over glasses and her CI processor.


Abbie said...

They make littles hats for babies to keeps the processors on :)

Dragon_Image18 said...

That sounds interesting. Do you have any more info on that? I have never heard or seen it anywhere before.

Anonymous said...

You can get the hats through Hanna Anderson...and if you go with the Advanced Bionics implant you will not have to have anyhting on your child's can get the body worn processors and put them in a nice little pouch/harness...then the child only has the headpiece and cable...nothing on the ear. Very helpful...if you would like you can email at and I can give you more of luck to you and your beautiful daughter!
Denice Solgat