This is her story

This is the story of Kairi Yen Nguyen. Kairi was born with severe/total hearing impairment. I am keeping this web log for her so that she and others can share in the journey that her life will have to take with this condition.

Friday, March 14, 2008

About Kairi

Kairi was named after a video game character from the Kingdom Hearts game (pictured above). Kairi is Japanese for "Ocean Village", but we like to just say it means the Ocean.

Kairi is half vietnamese, one quarter american, and one quarter Korean.

Kairi is our second child. Our first son's name is Tyji and is 3 yrs old. He doesn't have any hearing loss, just a listening problem. haha

Kairi loves her brother even though he always likes to abuse her in some way or another. Tyji has no idea that Kairi can't hear him. He will call her name out over and over again. Soon she will answer.

Kairi loves to eat. She can somehow handle spicy food. She got into the kimchee the other day and loved it.

Kairi will probably be able to walk by the time she gets her first implant. She can take five steps now.

Kairi loves to dance. She will bob her head from side to side. Sometimes she bobs so hard that she tips over.

Kairi has her mom's personality. Always laughing and smiling.


Valerie said...

She is a cutie! My daughter is half filipino and half white. She has normal hearing, I am the one deaf. I have bilateral CIs since July 19, 2008. It has been a great journey. I can't wait to read about her journey.

Dragon_Image18 said...

Thanks Valerie for being the first to post a comment to my Daughter's blog. Thanks for all your help on Alldeaf also.